Sedentary lifestyles, office work, lack of adequate physical activity and the peculiarities of modern nutrition have contributed to the spread of numerous diseases inherent in our urbanized society.
The leadership among them is rightfully occupied by cervical osteochondrosis.
And it's all because of the fact that the muscular corset and these 7 discs have more mobility than any other part of the spine accepting constant physical activity that requires constant holding of the head in the desired position, Tilt and turn.
cause of disease
Previously, osteochondrosis was considered an adult disease that affects people who live more than 40 years. However, the age threshold of the disease is decreasing year by year, "getting younger", which makes young people aged 18-20 susceptible to the disease.
The main reasons for the appearance of this pathology are:
Adolescent posture is abnormal.Young people now don't want to monitor their posture, which leads to its violation.
overweight.The presence of excess weight increases the load on the spine.
The back is bent.There is an increased risk of osteochondrosis with a curved back.
Back injury.Back injuries can cause irreparable damage to any part of the spine.
Metabolic disease.In the case of metabolic disturbances, there is also a high probability of developing osteochondrosis.
Hard physical labor.Too much physical labor can also leave an indelible mark on the health of the entire spine, especially the cervical region.
Low physical fitness.The level of physical fitness also affects the condition of the spine, the lower the level, the weaker the spine.
Mistakes while doing complex exercises.Athletes can develop osteochondrosis problems during training due to serious mistakes at work.
pressure.The nervous tension and constant stress of modern people can also lead to cervical disease.
A sedentary lifestyle.A sedentary lifestyle or inactivity can greatly affect the vertebrae.
past illness.Osteochondrosis can occur following infection and hypothermia.
In fact, the disease is the result of muscle spasms that do not allow the cervical spine to move easily, deteriorating the blood supply to the tissues, and at the same time disturbed posture, causing a dystrophic process in the vertebrae themselves, as well as in the intervertebral discs, to start activating, causing the vertebraeNarrowing of the foramen and compression of the nerve root.

The main symptoms
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are somewhat different from other parts of the spine.
The tighter fit of the vertebrae leads to the fact that even the smallest change in one of the vertebrae can compress or displace any nerves or blood vessels, and it can also compress the spinal cord.
Because of this, violations of bodily functions can be recorded: disturbance of skin sensitivity, dizziness.
Clinical manifestations:
- Neck and shoulder pain, which also extends to the back of the head, ears and eye area, does not subside even at night.
- Upper extremity pain that worsens with exertion.
- Sensitivity of the upper extremities decreases, muscles become weak, and movement becomes difficult.
- When I wake up in the morning, my neck muscles are tense and my head turns tight, as if my neck has "rested".
- Turning or tilting the head, feeling of pain in the neck.
- The limbs are numb from time to time, and there is a burning or tingling sensation.
- Periods of unpleasant throbbing pain in the neck and nape.
- Vigorous head movement can cause blurred vision, dizziness, or possibly fainting.
- Occurrence of tinnitus.
- Vision and hearing loss.
- Tongue numbness.
- Some heart pains do not respond to nitroglycerin, but their intensity changes due to changes in body position.
- Headaches occur in the occipital bone, crown of the head and temples.
- In the neck area, the so-called "withers", a growth of connective tissue, occurs.
Signs of cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical pain (neck pain and muscle tension)

Cervical pain is a pain syndrome characterized by pain and tension in the neck muscles, loss of mobility in the neck area, possible dizziness, impaired vision clarity, and possible autonomic dysfunction.
Pain may be tingling, throbbing, or "penetrating. "
Even the slightest exercise, sneezing or coughing, is worth doing as long as the pain causes muscle tension.
There are also issues with turning the head or tilting it to one side when the patient has to do this with the entire body.
In addition, patients experience dizziness, occipital pain, tinnitus, numbness in the back of the head, and numbness in the hands.
It may happen because:
- low temperature.
- Uncomfortable head position when sleeping.
- Sedentary work, which forces you to hold your head in an uncomfortable position for long periods of time.
- Physical activity that causes neck muscle strain, including exercise training in the gym.
- Cervical spine injury.
- Tissue infection or tumor.
Pain in the back of the head, shoulders, and arms, as well as pain when turning the head, indicates the presence of the initial stages of a chronic disease, such as osteochondrosis.
Cranial pain or symptoms in the back of the neck (pain in the occipital area of the neck)

Cervical cranial pain is a kind of pain in the cervical occipital region, and its occurrence is closely related to cervical spine injury, degenerative disease or its inflammation.
Its distribution often reaches the frontotemporal lobes, shoulders, and arms, but it can also be unilateral. In this case, the parties will not change.
The pain is moderate in intensity, with exacerbations observed with head movement, palpation of the neck occipital muscles, and prolonged holding of the head in an uncomfortable position.
Often, the cause of these pains may be osteoarthritis or cervical osteochondrosis.
In these cases, the pain may squeeze, shoot, or throb. Minor head movements, coughing, and muscle tension can make the pain worse.
The main complaints that patients complained about:
- Unable to turn and tilt the head, the entire body must be moved for this.
- Occipital and hand numbness.
- There is a noise in the ear.
- Dizziness.
- Occipital pain, etc.
Neck and arm pain or shoulder and shoulder syndrome (brachiaglia)

Neck and brachial pain manifests as numbness in the hand with deep rupture, usually tingling in the hand or forearm, and weakness in the upper extremities.
This usually happens at night.
The disease can develop reflexively, and most of them are engaged in heavy manual labor, and 9 out of 10 people are women.
In this case, manifestations of vegetative vessels, muscle rigidity and neurodystrophy can be observed.
A very characteristic feature of reflex syndrome is the presence of muscle tonic reactions, such as muscle spasms.

Treatment should be comprehensive.
At the same time, drug treatment and non-drug treatment should be carried out simultaneously, and the prevention of possible diseases should not be forgotten.
Medication refers to the use of drugs that relieve pain and inflammation, and drugs that improve circulation to the brain.
If there is a pathology in the form of muscle tension, it is recommended to take relaxation drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes in therapeutic doses.
The method of physical therapy plays an important role in the treatment:
- water procedures.
- Paraffin application.
- electrophoresis.
- Magnetic therapy.
Widespread use of alternative therapies has also helped combat the disease. But, despite this, therapeutic exercises are still the most effective treatments.
In order for all osteochondrosis-related problems to bypass you, you need to remember all the causes of the disease.
Since the main reason is a sedentary lifestyle, don't forget morning exercises and walks, and make sure to include neck muscles in your gymnastics routine. And don't forget that circular movements of the head can cause neck injuries, so you shouldn't include them in your practice.
And don't forget that preventive examinations of school-age children by an orthopedic doctor are mandatory.
Forms a strong muscular corset that is sporty.
Eat foods that replenish your body with minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, and vitamins.