Lower back pain. . . it whines, twists, shoots. . . how many terms have been invented to refer to lower back pain. This is understandable. Often, back pain, once present, does not leave its owner until the end of life.
At first, very little, then they reminded themselves more and more often that they wouldn't let me sleep, they were pulling me for periodic deterioration. Many people, even the very young, suffer from back pain as an inevitable sin, retribution for a sedentary lifestyle, lack of a muscular corset, and disproportionate physical activity.
They don't try to treat back pain, if they do, then occasionally, casually. Some people don't even know their exact diagnosis, well, they have back pain and pain, osteochondrosis, that means, or sciatica.
However, this is far from the case. There are a number of conditions that can cause pain responses that limit lower back mobility.
why lower back hurts
- First, of course, injuries, displacement of vertebrae, sprains. They cause completely disabling acute pain in the initial stages of the disease. But if you suffer from lower back pain and don't seek help or do anything to ease your condition, the disease can quickly become chronic.
- A secondary location is when the vertebrae are displaced, compressing the nerves, creating an intervertebral herniation.
- The third is the already mentioned osteochondrosis, in which the cartilage tissue undergoes degenerative changes.
- Then there's the various postural disorders -- the leader of lordosis, kyphosis, and curvature of the spine -- scoliosis, which is now seen in almost every first grader. There is also Scheuermann-Mau disease, which develops juvenile kyphosis even in adolescence and is almost disabled by the age of 20-25.
- Actually low back pain can be a symptom of a disease of the internal organs - kidneys, pelvic organs.
- Typically, back pain occurs later in pregnancy, along with rapid weight gain and hormonal changes in a woman's body.
- The most serious occurrence of back pain is spinal metastases, which have appeared in the fourth stage of tumor disease development.
Identifying the real cause of low back pain on your own is not easy. It is best to have a modern clinic nearby that employs experienced chiropractors, chiropractors, and has the proper diagnostic equipment.
Treating Low Back Pain - Overview of Methods
This is the most uncomfortable beginning. There are many ways and means of treating low back pain, but not all of them work in the same way. Here comes the notorious human element, which is important to both the patient and the therapist (whatever it is called, there are many options: chiropractor, chiropractor, chiropractor, massage therapist, chiropractor).
All of these people have their own methods, their favorite techniques, possible combinations to correct the position of the vertebrae on our long-suffering spine. I saw how a chiropractor held a patient's neck in place with vigorous movements in seconds.
But while his approach seems effective, I dare not "get closer" to him. Perhaps this is cowardice, I will not argue. But I still can't forget that I have a spine, and it's unlikely I'll get a spare.
- Typically, a method of spinal distraction is provided in addition to the aforementioned blocks. Underwater or special weight. From a common sense standpoint, this makes sense, but unfortunately I've heard a lot of comments that the improvements are so trivial that they can't be compared to the cost.
- The next method is a high-quality professional massage.
- The use of painkillers and injections is a temporary measure, and the disease itself is not a cure, they stop taking the pills and the "laughing" is over.
- Surgical treatment is usually an extreme case and is worth considering when there is pain that does not subside for months, total disability, incontinence.
- The most promising approach to frequent back pain is a set of exercises.
Although, until the diagnosis is clear, their overzealousness can be detrimental. In any case, low back pain treatment should be thoughtful, gradual, and focused on the nuances of health. Strictly follow the rules for lifting and carrying heavy objects, and if necessary, perform physical work at home and at work.
And if you're persistent and patient, your back isn't going to improve anytime soon.