How is cervical osteochondrosis treated?

important!In extreme cases, when conservative methods fail or dangerous complications arise, surgical intervention is resorted to.
Drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

- anaesthetization;
- Relax spasmodic neck muscles;
- Relieves inflammatory processes in the spine and paravertebral tissues;
- Relieve tissue swelling;
- Improve cervical microcirculation and metabolism;
- Improve blood supply to the brain;
- Restores and protects the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine.
- NSAIDs(NSAIDs) Perfect for relieving pain and inflammation. During the acute phase of the disease, NSAIDs are used in the form of injections. When patients improve, they switch to oral medications. The course of treatment for these drugs is 7-10 days. NSAIDs can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines, leading to erosions and ulcers. To eliminate negative effects on the digestive tract, proton pump inhibitors are used concurrently with NSAIDs.
- Hormone agents.A group of corticosteroids are used to relieve inflammation and swelling in radicular syndrome. Glucocorticoids are most commonly used as perineural and paravertebral injections.
- AnestheticUsed in the form of neuromuscular paravertebral block. With this method of administration, the drug acts directly on the spinal nerve roots, thereby relieving pain. To enhance the blocking effect, anesthetics are combined with glucocorticoids. The course of treatment consists of 5-6 blocks.
- Chondroprotectant.This set of preparations contains glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, components of the cartilage tissue of the spine. Chondroprotectants protect the intervertebral disc cartilage from negative factors and help restore its structure, thus restoring the lost function of the spinal joints and reducing the manifestations of osteochondrosis.
- Drugs to improve metabolism and microcirculationIn spinal tissue and nerves.
- vitamins.Vitamin preparations such as ascorbic acid, retinol acetate, tocopheryl acetate, calciferol, thiamine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin improve nerve conduction, reduce the severity of hearing and vision impairment, strengthen blood vessels, and have antioxidant propertieseffect.
- topical preparations– Ointments, creams, gels and patches can help relieve pain and improve blood flow to the affected area.
Treatment exercises for cervical osteochondrosis
interesting!Therapeutic exercise is an effective means of treating and preventing cervical osteochondrosis.
- The disease is in the acute phase;
- acute infectious diseases;
- acute myocardial infarction;
- malignant and benign tumors;
- aortic aneurysm;
- cardiac aneurysm;
- coagulopathy;
- heart rhythm disturbance;
- hypertension;
- Myopia;
- Severe forms of diabetes.
Physical therapy methods for treating cervical osteochondrosis
electrotherapyRepresents the local effect of electric field on cervical spine and paravertebral tissues. This method has a positive effect on the blood circulation and metabolism of the affected area. Electrotherapy is contraindicated in people with pacemakers and other metal implants. Laser TreatmentInvolves the use of helium-neon rays, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative effects by activating biological processes in nervous system tissue. Treat with ultraviolet light.UV rays have significant anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative and bactericidal effects. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the synthesis of calciferol (vitamin D) in the body is activated. This method is not suitable for people with malignant diseases of the blood and internal organs. Balneotherapy– is the use of mineral water and mud in the form of baths, showers, smudges and wraps. The chemicals and minerals in mineral water and mud can improve microcirculation in the spine and affected tissues. vibration therapy- This uses mechanical vibrations targeted at the cervical spine to reduce muscle spasms and pain. Some resistance band trainers can be used both in a hospital setting and at home. important!Vibration therapy is contraindicated in patients with pustular dermatoses of the neck and vibration sickness. sonic shockwave therapy,This affects the cervical spine. As a result, pain is reduced and metabolism and blood flow in the neck tissues are improved.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis through manual massage?

interesting!There are acupressure and segmented massages for the cervical spine.