What to do if you have acute low back pain
Just don't panic
How to relieve symptoms on your own
- Lie on your back on a hard surface or floor with a blanket; if you can't straighten your back, you'll need to assume a position that will minimize pain.
- Ask your loved one to give you a pain reliever; all pain relievers are available at the pharmacy without a prescription:
- Apply any type of topical pain relief medication to the skin of the painful area: topical rubs, ointments, gels, latex, and other over-the-counter medications:
- Call an ambulance; the doctor will give you an injection of anesthetic (usually an NSAID injection) and advise you on the best course of action: call your doctor at home or go directly to a professional clinic.
When you need to see a doctor urgently because of back pain
- Occurs after injury;
- With high fever and malaise;
- Problems with urination and bowel movements result;
- Accompanied by impaired motor function and numbness of the limbs;
- It has the nature of a ring, covering not only the back but also the abdomen (suspecting acute pancreatitis);
- Radiation to the left hand (suspected myocardial infarction);
- Growths that cannot be removed with pills and ointments.

What to do about various types of low back pain
Severe back pain caused by coronavirus and other acute respiratory viral infections
Severe pain in upper back (cervical spine)
- Treatment of pain caused by spinal disorders - NSAIDs;
- Heart attack - Take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue; if the pain does not go away within a minute, take another tablet and call an ambulance.
Severe pain in chest and shoulder blades
- if the musculoskeletal system is damaged - NSAIDs (see section "How to relieve the condition on your own");
- For spasm of the arteries supplying the heart muscle (angina attack) - sublingual nitroglycerin tablets;
- For diseases of the internal organs - only a doctor can decide; in some cases, taking painkillers can lead to serious complications, for example, appendicitis or cholecystitis, with pain indicating the need for surgery to eliminate it.
My waist hurts

- For myositis - NSAIDs;
- For neuropathy - NSAIDs do not always relieve pain and you will need to ask your doctor for a prescription for a full course of treatment;
- For diseases of internal organs - depends on the diagnosis and can only be determined by a doctor.
severe back and stomach pain
- For intercostal neuralgia - NSAIDs;
- For diseases of internal organs - call an ambulance immediately; until the doctor arrives, you can take 2 tablets of No-shpa.
Severe back pain that radiates to the legs
My back hurts when I breathe in too much
- Intercostal neuralgia - pain worsened by any movement, including breathing and coughing;
- Used in acute diseases involving the pleura of the lungs and bronchi - pleuropneumonia, lung cancer.
My back hurts under my ribs
- Severe, intense pain that does not subside or relieve, radiates to the stomach and spreads to the other side of the back; accompanied by nausea and vomiting - acute pancreatitis;
- Acute paroxysmal pain, often radiating to the groin area - Urolithiasis occurs when stones pass through the urethra.
- Acute pain radiating along the intercostal nerves - it may be thought that the nerve roots of the thoracic spine are compressed;
- Local pain - muscle inflammation;
- Deep, aggravated by deep breathing and coughing - often associated with pleural disease - pleurisy, lung cancer that sprouts into the pleura.
- Intercostal neuralgia due to invasion of the right nerve root;
- Pancreatic, liver and biliary tract diseases.
- Severe burning pain at any level of the ribs is neuropathic pain associated with spinal pathology.
- Acute, sudden, short-term pain in the upper and mid-back, often radiating to the left arm - an angina attack.

- For spinal disorders – NSAIDs;
- For angina - sublingual nitroglycerin;
- For pancreatitis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis attacks - take 2 tablets of No-shpa.
Back muscles hurt
Severe back pain at night and morning
severe back pain during pregnancy
- Contact a neurologist or prenatal clinic therapist who will perform an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment; you cannot self-medicate: many NSAIDs are contraindicated during pregnancy;
- It is recommended to wear a bandage to support the abdomen.
Most common conditions that cause back pain
Osteochondrosis and disc herniation
ankylosing spondylitis
lung cancer
- Laboratory tests - general and biochemical blood tests, urine tests; immune blood tests, rheumatoid factor;
- Instrumental studies: Spine radiography; magnetic resonance or computed tomography (MRI or CT); radioisotope scintigraphy - performed in case of the slightest suspicion of tumor pathology.
How to Treat Back Pain

- Short-term bed rest (2-5 days) combined with pharmacotherapy and reflexology (RT); long-term adherence to bed rest facilitates the transition from an acute to a chronic process; a short course with orthopedic devices may be prescribed: for the upper back and neckor cervical collar for lumbar pathology;
- Semi-bed rest for the next 7-8 days; medication and radiotherapy are continued, with the addition of light physical exercise and physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis with analgesic drug solutions);
- Physical activity with mild restrictions (10 – 20 days); medication as indicated; physical therapy (laser and magnet therapy), RT; additional manual therapy and massage sessions;
- A pattern of unrestricted (but non-weightlifting) physical activity and performance of specifically selected exercise therapy exercises;
- Pain Prevention – Regular exercise therapy and feasible exercises to take quality of life to the next level.

medical treatement
- For very severe severe pain, a paravertebral block with Novocaine may be used. If the pain syndrome does not resolve, an epidural block is performed - pain relief is achieved by introducing an anesthetic into the epidural space located between the dura mater and the periosteum of the spine.
- Less severe pain can be relieved by intramuscular injections of drugs from the NSAID group. The selection of the drug is made individually, taking into account the properties of the drug and the individual characteristics of the patient. The most effective treatments may cause gastrointestinal complications, so more modern NSAIDs will help relieve back pain if the patient suffers from stomach problems.
- To eliminate spasms in the back muscles, it is necessary to use muscle relaxants.
- B vitamins (B1, B6, B12) have beneficial effects on the peripheral nervous system and enhance the analgesic effects of NSAIDs. These medications can be given as an injection of the individual vitamins or as a solution containing all 3 vitamins plus the pain reliever lidocaine. After the condition improves, oral tablets can be taken.
- For neuropathic pain associated with the involvement of nerve fibers in this process, complex treatment includes antidepressants and anticonvulsants. These therapies can help relieve pain.