Benefits of Home Prevention
- horseradish vodka. Mix horseradish roots crushed in a blender (or coffee grinder) with equal parts vodka (or alcohol). Apply the resulting mixture to the neck area before going to bed for 10-14 days.
- Marigolds and Cologne. Pour 200 g of crushed dried marigolds into a mixture of camphor alcohol and cologne (1: 1). After soaking for two weeks, strain and wipe the neck area.
- Olive oil, plantain and sage. Stir two tablespoons of the herbal mixture of plantain and sage into 50 ml of olive oil and 40 ml of melted petroleum jelly. Apply this mixture on your neck and rub it in. Then wrap a warm scarf (preferably wool) around your neck. Repeat this process up to 3 times per day.
- Lard and propolis. Melt the lard (150 ml) on the stove or in the microwave. Add propolis (30 g). Mix and knead overnight. Wool scarves can also be used.
- Kimiyo Honey. Mix honey with crushed mummy tablets, put the resulting mixture on a bandage and apply it as a bandage on the neck.
- salt solution. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in 200 ml of hot water. Apply gauze (or bandage) soaked in this liquid to your neck.
- chili. Mix 1 spoon of red pepper powder with camphor (200 ml) and medical bile (200 ml). Before using the resulting composition, lubricate the neck with vegetable oil.
- Friction of pharmaceutical products. Take 10 drops each of alcohol (200 ml), iodine and camphor, and mix. Grind 5 tablets of metamizole sodium into powder. Add to mixture. Use as a rubbing agent as needed.
- ginger ointment. Grate ginger root (55 g) with a fine grater, add 3 cloves of garlic, softened butter (30 g). As a flavoring, you can add a few drops of a pleasant-smelling essential oil.
important!All rubbing applies to the entire skin only!
- Sabernik.Pour 30 grams of dried five-leaf clover into half a liter of boiling water and leave it in the dark for 3 weeks. Drink the resulting solution 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
- Chamomile and mint.Add mint and chamomile (1 tablespoon each) to 300 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.
- lemon and garlic.Add minced garlic (200 g) to the juice of 4 lemons. Pour in water and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Drink half a cup after breakfast for three weeks.
- Parsley root.Pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water over the chopped parsley root (50 g) and simmer for 1. 5 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily (3 weeks).
- Pine buds.In early spring, collect pine buds (no longer than 2 cm long). Cut into rounds, put in a glass bowl, add sugar in a ratio of 1: 2. Take 2 weeks off. During this time, the mixture will take on a golden brown color. Infuse 10 ml 3 times daily for 2-3 weeks. The pain will go away within a few days.
- Sunflower roots.They've been stocking up since the fall. Clean, dry and grind. Dilute 150 g of the dry mixture with water (2. 7 liters), bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Take 30 minutes after meals. The resulting decoction is enough for 3 days.
- Abbey Recipes.Take veronica, string, wheatgrass root (20g each), burdock root (25g), pansies (30g). Mix ingredients. Take 40 grams from the total and add it to 1 liter of water. Boil, cool and filter. Have one drink 3 times a day.
- Pine soup.Use young pine or spruce needles. Add 250 grams per liter of water. Boil pine needles for 30 minutes. Take it 2 times a day, half an hour after meals. The prepared broth is enough for 3 days.

important!A home course of oral tincture should not exceed 30 days. After a break, the session can be repeated.
therapeutic bath
- Salt bath.Dissolve salt (4-6 kg) in 500 ml of water. Pour the resulting solution into warm water. Take a shower for at least 15 minutes.
- Turpentine bath.Add 20-50 ml of turpentine to warm water. This procedure will reduce the inflammatory process and have a resolving and restorative effect.
- Pine bath.Pine needle extract can be purchased ready-made at pharmacies. Add to water during bathing.
- chamomile bath. Dried chamomile flowers (300 g) are poured with water (5 liters). Bring to boil and cook for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 20 minutes. tension. Take a bath with chamomile for at least 30 minutes.

therapeutic compression
- Potatoes with honey.Add 2 tablespoons of honey to a large grated potato. Spread the resulting mixture on gauze folded into several layers. Apply the dressing to the neck, wrap cellophane over it, and tie a woolen scarf. Leave overnight. Course duration is 7-10 days.
- Horseradish leaves.Blanch 2-3 pieces of horseradish in boiling water and apply it on the sore area after cooling. Wrap in a wool scarf and leave overnight. After 10-14 workouts, take a break. Then you can repeat it again.
- Kerosene compression.Soak a piece of cloth or gauze in kerosene and apply it to your sore neck. Wrap in cellophane and a warm scarf. Take it out after 2 hours. Repeat for 2 weeks.
- Burdock.Steam fresh burdock leaves in a water bath. Once warm, apply to neck and secure with scarf. Leave on for 1 hour.
pharmacy talker
- 50 grams of mustard + 50 ml of diluted medical alcohol + equal amount of camphor + 3 beaten egg whites.
- 50ml aloe + 150ml medical alcohol (diluted) + 100ml honey.

self massage

important!Massage should not be painful. Sudden movements and strong impacts are excluded.
- Massage with hands only, no additional equipment required;
- No strong pressure: all movements are gentle and caressing;
- The direction of movement is from the vertebrae to the periphery.
- grind; grind
- knead; knead;
- caress; caress;
- shoot;
- Tingling.
- Neck muscles (lateral and posterior surfaces);
- back of head

- Stand (or sit) straight with your hands crossed behind your head. Press the back of your head with your palms while resisting with your head.
- Place your right palm on your right temple. Press your temples while resisting with your head. Do the same thing on the other side.
- Tilt your head forward and back.
- Tilt your head from side to side.
- Head rotation.
- Sit on the floor and bring your knees to your chest. Bring your forehead to your knees and stretch your neck. Hold for a few seconds.
important!All movements were smooth and without twitching. Hear how you feel!
- Exclude soups that contain fatty broth. Welcome vegetable soup;
- Boiled or grilled lean meats and fish;
- No more than 3 eggs per week;
- Exclude white bread. We prefer whole wheat or bran;
- Among vegetables, we are cautious about beans and spinach;
- Any quantity of fruit (except grapes);
- Porridge, especially whole wheat porridge (not instant! );
- Dairy products (low-fat), cheese;
- Limit animal fats;
- Reduce your intake of sweets, especially sugar;
- Herbal teas, infusions, chicory drinks, weak teas are all useful;
- dried fruit;
- Get potassium: potatoes, cabbage, bananas, eggplants;
- Sources of magnesium: walnuts, millet, buckwheat, soybeans.